Redwood Court, Keighley
Project Information
Accent Housing
Quantity Surveyor, Employer’s Agent, Principal Designer and Clerk of Works

Key features
• 41 new build affordable and shared housing units
• Steeply sloping site
The scheme comprises the design and construction of 41 homes - 28 for affordable rent and 13 for shared ownership. The site was formerly home to a derelict farm building and a network of stone walls, which need to be demolished as part of the site preparation works. Other works include the creation of adopted and private roads, foul and surface water drainage, services (on and off site), hard standings and landscaping, including an area of public open space for use by residents.
Due to the steep gradient of the site, the development has been designed to be split over a higher and lower level. This is being achieved through the construction of a substantial retaining structure, effectively creating two separate street scenes.
The site is surrounded by existing properties on all four sides, and so liaison with the local community will be crucial throughout the build.